People use yurts for many reasons, but one of the main ones is to bring in extra money. Vacationers love yurts, as they put them closer to nature without a high price tag. Why not use this opportunity to utilize a yurt for monthly passive income? This blog will explore ideas to help get you started. You’ll discover how easy it can be and how versatile these structures are.
What Is a Yurt?
First, let’s get to know what a yurt is before exploring how it can bring in extra income. A yurt is an ancient version of a modern tent. Herders and nomadic tribes used these semi-permanent structures as they traveled across Central Asia. You can easily dismantle a yurt to move it from one location to another, which is why these groups used them. The version we use today deviates from the old shelters ancient civilizations used, but the skeleton of the structure remains the same.
Assemble the yurt, and you’ll have a circular structure that holds up to many weather conditions. Why is the yurt circular, you ask? People planned and engineered the shape to maximize usable internal space. Yurts are also eco-friendly shelters that use limited all-natural materials, leaving a small carbon footprint.
Yurt Vacation Rentals
Glamping has become a hot topic during the last decade. If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s short for glamorized camping. It involves facilities and accommodations that are more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping. Couples, individuals, and families want the camping experience without all the hassles, such as the following:
- Setting up the tent
- Sleeping on the ground
- Little protection from people and wildlife
- No electricity and running water
City dwellers are especially drawn to yurts because it provides a unique nature experience without breaking the bank. If you own and rent a yurt, you’ll provide a nature-filled getaway for everyone who books a stay. You can create your own glamping company and set up multiple yurts and use rental websites to book vacationers.
Long-Term Rental Opportunities
Besides vacation rentals, yurts are great for long-term rentals. People can use them as places to stay between more permanent rental options, but after renting your yurt, they may discover they love living in one full time. You can offer yurts to rent for families, couples, and individuals. Nature lovers will love the location opportunities and price point of yurt living.
Pop-Up Shops and Restaurants
You can also allow local businesses and restaurants to use your yurt as a pop-up location. This idea is perfect when you’re first renting out your yurt. It can help your rental business grow and introduce you to many different types of clients. Part of the money you make from these pop-up experiences can go toward fees and taxes.
Make flyers to hand out to local businesses letting them know about your yurt’s availability, size, and location. Answer any questions the companies may have and aid them in the decision-making process. You may find a niche market that you love that provides you with many repeat clients. Plus, this type of renting helps you network and build professional relationships, which will help you grow your rental business.
Art and Recording Studios
Along the lines of the pop-up shop, you can rent out your space to local artists to allow them to paint, draw, sketch, or record in your yurt. You can help painters and singers who don’t have access to a studio space of their own. Again, this can build lasting professional relationships to help grow your rental business. You never know where leads will come from and who you’ll meet.
Take time to talk with local studios and let them know that your yurt is available for rent. If allowed, you can leave a business card or flyer in the studio for artists, producers, and musicians to find.
Benefits of a Yurt Rental Business
Besides bringing in monthly passive income, owning a yurt rental business has many benefits. You can expect a positive return on investment for many years due to the following factors.
Fast Return on Investment
You won’t have a problem booking vacationers for your yurt rentals. Modern and luxurious yurts provide a quick return on investment (ROI). You’ll spend less on construction costs compared with traditional buildings, and providing a high-end experience allows you to charge guests more based on the location, available dates, and amenities. Essentially, yurt rentals are excellent ways to make extra cash and give people incredible memories.
Low Maintenance Costs
Yurts don’t have high maintenance costs because they are built to last and fairly easy to care for. Understand that if you choose a hard-sided yurt, it’ll have even fewer maintenance requirements than a fabric yurt. Fabric yurts can experience rips and tears, whereas there’s no need to worry about that with yurt-cabins.
Yurts also require less elbow grease than traditional homes, condos, and apartments. Since yurts aren’t large, there’s less for your to clean. Ensure you’re using the proper cleaner on your yurt because some chemicals can harm the wood or other materials. Like a traditional home, tackle a lot of the outdoor cleaning during the spring and summer. Check for any damage, clean the acrylic dome, and give the front door some love. You’ll be done spring cleaning your yurt before you know it.
Lower Start-Up Costs
Purchasing a rental home or property can set you back quite a bit. On the other hand, buying a yurt is significantly less expensive. Plus, yurts aren’t large spaces you have to furnish. Furthermore, you can put a yurt on property you already own, which also lessens the start-up costs.
If you need to purchase land for the yurt rentals, look for remote areas. These are the most sought-after yurt getaway locations, and they’ll be less expensive to buy than popular cities, coastal towns, and urban areas. People who are looking for a yurt vacation are trying to get away from the hustle and bustle. They don’t want to stay in a glamorized tent amid a lot of commotion.
Eco-Friendly Vacation Option
Due to the current environmental crisis, more people are now seeking eco-friendly travel methods and accommodations to lessen their carbon footprint. Sustainability matters, and yurts are wonderful sustainable vacation options due to their efficient use of space and resources.
Are you convinced you need a yurt? Freedom Yurt-Cabins can help! Our yurt building kits make it easy to build a yurt with friends or family in a single weekend. You’ll love the hard-sided yurt options, especially if you live in an area that experiences harsh weather. Our yurts can withstand extreme temperatures, strong winds, and more outdoor elements better than traditional fabric yurts. Browse our website to find the perfect yurt, set up your rental business, and then watch your monthly income grow!

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